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- February 13, 2007
- 54 minutes read
A Dangerous Moment in American History (Part 1&2)
A Dangerous Moment in American History (Part 1)
Top Democrats have the support of most Americans in saying that the war in Iraq should end as soon as possible, even if that means defeat.
Here is why such thinking is so dangerous.
Suddenly the top Democratic candidates for the 2008 presidency are insisting that the United States pull out of Iraq very quickly.
This is a far more radical idea than simply opposing the idea of sending more troops.
The Democrats have only been in control of Congress for a month, and already they are making strong demands of the president in the war on terrorism.
Polls show that a majority of Americans agree with them.
It looks like the tide has shifted strongly in favor of the Democrats taking over the presidency in the next election.
This is a dangerous moment in American history—and world history.
But many people have lost the big picture.
They are focusing almost exclusively on wanting to end the loss of American soldiers, and ignoring the larger implications of this war.
To understand how critical this moment is, we must see where world terrorism began.
We must go back in history to see terrorism’s roots.
When Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi led Iran, he was a strong ally of America.
But our liberal press and politicians thought he was too undemocratic, so they helped to drive him from power.
As he was falling, America gave him little or no support.
Then, in 1979, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini overthrew the shah.
Khomeini established Iran as the world’s number-one state sponsor of terrorism.
After Khomeini’s death 10 years later, Hashemi Rafsanjani intensified Iran’s international network of terrorism.
It was only then that some observers began to see what a terrible mistake liberals had made in assisting the shah’s downfall.
Back in 1994, then-Secretary of State Warren Christopher called Iran “the world’s most significant state sponsor of terrorism.” How pathetic to make such a statement back then and do nothing about it! Just how much of a superpower is America? America has known for years who “the world’s most significant state sponsor of terrorism” is.
But it lacks the will to deal with Iran—to hold Iran accountable for its terrorist acts of war!In the 1990s, state-sponsored terrorism became deeply entrenched in Iran, and America’s leaders did almost nothing to combat it.
More than any other nation (apart from Iran), America is responsible for the overthrow of the shah and the ushering in of Ayatollah Khomeini.
Our weakness could prove to be the biggest foreign-policy disaster in modern times!How did it all happen?We must understand how this relates to the present situation in Iraq. History shows how Islamic extremism can dramatically change the politics within a country, and it gives us an indication of the kind of power Iran could be very close to achieving.
Let’s look at Egypt, where Islamic extremism—which spawns terrorism—is gaining power at a frightening pace.
There, one assassination turned the course of the entire Middle East!Radical Changes in EgyptA few years before the fall of the shah of Iran, Anwar Sadat was the warrior leader of Egypt and the Middle East.
For example, he was the key leader of the Arab world in the Yom Kippur War against the Jews.
But, then the world was shocked—especially the Arab world.
About the time Iran’s shah fell, Mr.Sadat was becoming an astounding Middle East peacemaker.
He enraged the Arab radicals by speaking at the Jewish Knesset (their congress, or parliament).
One man was literally swinging the Middle East toward peace with the West.
But Mr. Sadat was working against the tide of radical Islam.
It is interesting that the late Herbert W. Armstrong visited with two Egyptian presidents: Sadat and Hosni Mubarak.
He gave both men a strong warning that we were not going to have peace until Allah, or God, gave it to us!In 1981, Mike Wallace of the television program 60 Minutes interviewed Ayatollah Khomeini (who had come to power only two years before).
He told the ayatollah that Sadat had called him a “lunatic.”Almost immediately afterward, in just days, President Sadat was assassinated!That is the kind of power the leader of radical Islam has! America and the world allowed this evil power to change history.
Now terrorism is rampant around the world! America didn’t have the will to stop such state-sponsored madness.
When the Sadat assassination occurred, Mr. Armstrong said it was a turning point in Middle East history! And that was almost an understatement.
But virtually nobody in the media saw—or they refused to see—what a world-changing event that was!Iran’s terrorist network was working frighteningly well.
Mr. Sadat was in the process of changing the Middle East for the good of the world.
He took a stand against many of his own people and the Arab world to make peace with Israel.
He proved to be a truly great man by putting the interests of the world and Egypt above his personal safety.
If the leaders of the U.S. and Britain had shown his courage, they would have dealt with Iran then.
Because of U.S. weakness, the Middle East began to look to the king of terror for leadership.
It all happened because of American, British and Israeli weakness.
President Mubarak, a moderate who is becoming increasingly unpopular, could be assassinated just as Anwar el-Sadat was, or taken out of the picture some other way.
In any event, his departure could implement another gigantic change in Egyptian politics, similar to what happened in Iran’s 1979 revolution.
The Muslim Brotherhood, a radical Islamic group, is gaining great power in Egypt today.
Daniel 11:42 implies that Egypt will be allied with the king of the south, or Iran.
(Request our free booklet The King of the South.) This prophecy indicates that there would be a radical change in Egyptian politics! It is happening before our eyes in this end time, and it is mainly because of Iran’s “push” toward radicalism.
But that pushy foreign policy is going to lead to its downfall, in a way that most people cannot imagine!Iran’s Global AmbitionsA Stratfor intelligence brief dated Aug. 22, 2003, explained that back in May 2003, following what was seen as a decisive allied military victory in Iraq, the surrounding countries, including Saudi Arabia, Syria and Iran, saw the U.S. as the “ascendant power in the region” and recognized the need to accommodate U.S. demands.
However, as events on the ground changed, these nations began to see things differently. Today, the U.S. is seen as weak and needing help.
This change has the most impact on Iran, which is deeply influential over the Shiites in Iraq.
As they see the U.S. becoming desperate, the Iranians will no longer feel the need to appease the U.S.Stratfor stated this back in 2003—and the situation is far worse today: “The situation in the region is, in our view, reaching the crisis stage for the United States.
Things are going very wrong for the Bush administration.
The threat of an Islamist rising from the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf no longer is an interesting theoretical concept.
[This influence and control would even extend beyond the Mediterranean, into North Africa.] Except for Jordan, it is becoming a reality.
Under the circumstances, Jordan’s stability and security should not be assumed in the next year or so. If Iran—or native Iraqi leaders—send the Shiites into the streets, then all of Iraq will be in chaos, and a perfect storm will have formed” (Aug. 22, 2003; emphasis mine throughout).
But Iran’s strategy in the region extends well beyond Iraq.
The real power behind the Palestinians is Iran. No other nation finances and blatantly encourages terrorism in Israel like Iran does.
It has even been caught publicly sending enormous amounts of weapons to the Palestinians.Hezbollah and Hamas, thorns in the side of the nation Israel, are extensions of Iranian militancy.
Virtually the whole world knows what Iran is doing, and Israel’s terrorist problem keeps getting worse.
Israel is losing its war with the terrorists, and so will the U.S. and Britain. Such terrorism will tear any free society apart.
Israel is a classic example.The only way to win such a war is to deal with the main source of the terrorism, or cut off the head of the terrorist snake.
But neither the U.S. nor Israel has the will to tackle Iran—even though it is the key part of the “axis of evil” in the Middle East.
President Bush labeled Iran, Iraq and North Korea the “axis of evil.” Iraq’s government has been toppled.
However, America can’t win this war unless it also removes Iran’s leadership.
But American (and British) leaders are overwhelmingly liberal, and the press is dangerously pacifist.
Our peoples lack the will to win this war against terrorism.
President Bush’s labeling of the axis of evil was absolutely correct.
However, he was attacked by the liberal politicians and press for that statement.
That painfully illustrates America’s dangerous lack of will power.
Imagine what will happen in Iraq if an antiwar candidate wins the 2008 election! Iran is acutely aware of the political scene in the U.S. and Britain.
After Britain’s military display in Iraq, the people should have embraced Mr. Blair. But the British (and American) people are too weak to fight a real war, even within their own borders.
We lack the will to win a bloody, protracted war.
The fruits and evidence of the past two decades overwhelmingly prove where the king of state-sponsored terrorism is! The whole world can see that.
However, the solution to terrorism lies in doing something about it! We must confront the source.
The terrorist movement flows from Iran.
Mr. Armstrong said over two decades ago that “America has won its last war.” He saw then that the pride in our military power had been broken!Nations throughout the Middle East are already strongly influenced by Iran.
If Iraq falls to this terrorist nation, which seems close to happening, then Iran could control an enormous area that contains a gigantic share of the world’s oil!The situation is especially scary when you consider Iran’s determination to attain nuclear weapons.
It has already been proven that Iran has the ability to enrich uranium and complete the nuclear fuel cycle.
A full year ago, the U.S. publicly confirmed that Iran has attained nuclear weapons capability.
A Dangerous Moment in American History (Part 2)
As the U.S. contemplates its future in Iraq, it is worth considering what we can expect to see in the Middle East in the time just ahead.The Middle East today is at a turning point. The United States’ decisions in coming months and years will dramatically affect the future of this region.
A failure to confront the number-one cause of the Middle East’s problems is going to lead to a world-encompassing catastrophe!Most of our politicians, the press and our universities do not understand terrorism—nor do they understand history! Winston Churchill said “the history of man is war.” Misinformed people like to believe that is not true.
Superpowers cannot survive in this evil, warring world without the will to wage long, hard wars.
This is the real world in which we live; fantasies won’t change that reality.
After toppling Saddam Hussein, America and Britain had the marvelous opportunity to pressure Iran.
Iraq is a huge country from which to operate, and it adjoins Iran.
Iran and the terrorists would have stood no chance against America’s massive power.
But nothing happened, so they kept preying on our weakness.
State-sponsored terrorism exists because of America’s weakness!In the 1930s, Winston Churchill warned Britain and America about Hitler.
The politicians, media and educational institutions were overwhelmingly pacifist and against him (request our free booklet Winston S. Churchill: The Watchman).
In fact, he stood alone among world leaders! And it almost cost us victory in World War ii! We have learned virtually nothing from Churchill’s warning.
In fact, the pacifists have grown much stronger today.
We either wake up or lose World War iii! Any nation or bloc of nations that knocks off the number-one superpower becomes the number-one superpower! This is the lesson of human nature and of our history books.
A superpower can’t run and hide.
Our leaders fail to understand history because they refuse to understand that evil human nature is within every individual on Earth—including you and me! (Jeremiah 17:9).
For example, our refusal to use our military might is often not righteousness, as we like to believe, but despicable weakness resulting from our sins.
We simply lack the faith, character and courage to fight against Iran, the number-one terrorist nation today.
Unless we change our ways, we will prove too weak to survive!The King of the SouthThe stage is being set for an Islamic group of nations to be led by Iran as the prophesied king of the south, which will push at the king of the north, the European Union.
“And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over” (Daniel 11:40). Let’s not forget that this is an end-time prophecy.
Iran has a foreign policy with a lot of “push.” And since the end of its war with Iraq in 1988, Iran has accumulated a massive arsenal of weapons to back up its aggressive foreign policy, and that arsenal includes chemical and biological weapons.
The king of the south, or Iran, is going to “push at him”—that is, the king of the north (the European Union). Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon says the word push means “to strike—used of horned animals,” or “to push with the horn.” It is “used figuratively of a victor who prostrates the nations before him.” It also means to wage war.
Push is a violent word! This push no doubt revolves around Jerusalem and biblical Judah (called Israel today)—just as the clashes in the time of the Crusades did.
That city is the third most holy city in the Islamic world.
These two great and powerful religions both passionately desire Jerusalem.
Most people believe the Israeli peace process and other similar negotiations are leading to peace.
Actually they are leading to war!The blatantly bold and aggressive foreign policy of Iran must lead to war.
It will either conquer or be conquered.
Bible prophecy makes it clear that Iran will be conquered—but not at the hand of America and Britain.
These two countries are going to fall into catastrophic ruin before this prophecy is even fulfilled if they don’t wake up!A new superpower is rising in the European Union.
The Bible labels this conglomerate the king of the north.
It takes one king to topple another king.
The time when Britain and America were superpowers, or kings, is history! And we need to understand why.
Can we see this new European superpower rising on the world scene now? Yes, we can. You can get a good insight into it by watching Germany and France.
Britain and America defeated Germany in two world wars.
Then they led the Germans in rebuilding their powerful nation—especially after World War ii. Britain and America saved France in both world wars.
France and Germany both have every reason to be close friends with America and Britain.
But the opposite is true! Media headlines are showing us that daily.
Believe it or not, God is raising up that European power to punish America and Britain if they don’t repent. (Request our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.)The most precious jewel of Iran’s plan is to conquer Jerusalem.
This would then galvanize the Islamic world behind Iran! They will go far in their ambition but never fully conquer Jerusalem.
How could I possibly know this? If Iran or radical Islam were to conquer Jerusalem, then we would look very ignorant.
But your Bible says it will not happen.
However, the Bible also states that another specific power will conquer Jerusalem.
Such statements should cause you to prove why we can make these prophetic statements and watch them come to pass—exactly as we said.
You need to prove what we say—while there is time!The king of the south is about state-sponsored terrorism.
That is how Iran became king! Daniel 11:40-43 is an end-time prophecy.
It is about a nation that is always pushy in its foreign policy.
It pushes until it starts a war.
Having such power means that it must be a large oil-producing country.
This king is close to Jerusalem, Egypt, Ethiopia and Libya.
Who else could it be in this end time but Iran?Iran is extremely radical and the king over radical Islam.
Where is it all leading? To war! Just as it has in the past.
It’s leading to terrifying war with weapons of mass destruction.
It can lead no place else.A basic understanding of human nature and history should tell us that. All the wishful thinking in this world won’t stop that calamity—just as the pacifist dreamers of the 1930s didn’t stop Adolf Hitler!History thunders for us to awaken.
America and Britain fear facing the origin of state-sponsored terrorism in the Middle East. The war against terrorism can never be won until we comprehend and deal with this reality.
We can’t negotiate a victory.
Only superior power, and the will to use it, can win.
That is the only way to stop state-sponsored terrorism.“And if ye will not yet for all this hearken unto me, then I will punish you seven times more for your sins.
And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass” (Leviticus 26:18-19).
The Prophet Daniel related that this is an end-time prophecy (Daniel 12:9; 9:12-14).
Little Israel has more military might than Iran but fears to use it.
The same is the case with Britain.
And certainly that is true of America.
But our nations fear to use their power—because of our sins.
The “pride of [our] power” has been broken! We simply lack the will to sustain our war against terrorism.
Our ultimate success will be determined by our relationship with God.
If God is for us, we can’t lose.
But if God is against us, we can’t win.
And Bible prophecy relates that God is against us and is cursing us.
We should repent and become a true superpower!But even if we don’t change our evil ways, this is all leading directly to the return of Jesus Christ.
That is the best possible news this world could ever hear! This evil world of terrorism and war is about to end forever.
It will soon be replaced by a world full of prosperity and peace.
Then all mankind will understand and be fulfilling their incredible human potential.
External links
- The Word Spy explains the word “theocon”
- “American Jihad” by Nancy Goldstein for RawStoryQ, 3/31/2005
- Bluegrass Theocon website
- Cox and Forkum cartoon dealing with U.S. Rep. Katherine Harris’ Theocon tendencies
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Irving Kristol Widely referred to as the “godfather” of neoconservatism, Mr. Kristol was part of the “New York Intellectuals,” a group of critics mainly of Eastern European Jewish descent. In the late 1930s, he studied at City College of New York where he became a Trotskyist. From 1947 to 1952, he was the managing editor of Commentary magazine, later called the “neocon bible.” By the late 1960s, Kristol had shifted from left to right on the political spectrum, due partly to what he considered excesses and anti-Americanism among liberals. Kristol built the intellectual framework of neoconservatism, founding and editing journals such as The Public Interest and The National Interest. Kristol is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and author of numerous books, including “Neoconservatism: The Autobiography of an Idea.” He is the father of Weekly Standard editor and oft-quoted neoconservative William Kristol. Norman Podhoretz Considered one of neoconservatism’s founding fathers, Mr. Podhoretz studies, writes, and speaks on social, cultural, and international matters. From 1990 to 1995, he worked as editor-in-chief of Commentary magazine, a neoconservative journal published by the American Jewish Committee. Podhoretz advocated liberal political views earlier in life, but broke ranks in the early 1970s. He became part of the Coalition for a Democratic Majority founded in 1973 by Senator Henry “Scoop” Jackson and other intervention-oriented Democrats. Podhoretz has written nine books, including “Breaking Ranks” (1979), in which he argues that Israel’s survival is crucial to US military strategy. He is married to like-minded social critic Midge Decter. They helped establish the Committee on the Present Danger in the late 1970s and the Committee for the Free World in the early 1980s. Podhoretz’ son, John, is a New York Post columnist. Paul Wolfowitz After serving as deputy secretary of defense for three years, Mr. Wolfowitz, a key architect of the Iraq war, was chosen in March 2005 by President Bush to be president of the World Bank. From 1989 to 1993, Wolfowitz served as under secretary of defense for policy in charge of a 700-person team that had major responsibilies for the reshaping of military strategy and policy at the end of the cold war. In this capacity Wolfowitz co-wrote with Lewis “Scooter” Libby the 1992 draft Defense Planning Guidance, which called for US military dominance over Eurasia and preemptive strikes against countries suspected of developing weapons of mass destruction. After being leaked to the media, the draft proved so shocking that it had to be substantially rewritten. After 9/11, many of the principles in that draft became key points in the 2002 National Security Strategy of the United States, an annual report. During the 1991 Gulf War, Wolfowitz advocated extending the war’s aim to include toppling Saddam Hussein’s regime. Richard Perle Famously nicknamed the “Prince of Darkness” for his hardline stance on national security issues, Mr. Perle is one of the most high-profile neoconservatives. He resigned in March 2003 as chairman of the Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board after being criticized for conflicts of interest. From 1981 to 1987 he was assistant secretary of defense for international security policy. Perle is a chief architect of the “creative destruction” agenda to reshape the Middle East, starting with the invasion of Iraq. He outlined parts of this agenda in a key 1996 report for Israel’s right-wing Likud Party called “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm.” Perle helped establish two think tanks: The Center for Security Policy and The Jewish Institute for National Security. He is also a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, an adviser for the counter-terrorist think tank Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, and a director of the Jerusalem Post. Douglas Feith The defense department announced in January 2005 that Mr. Feith will resign this summer as undersecretary of defense for policy, the Pentagon’s No. 3 civilian position, which he has held since being appointed by President Bush in July 2001. Feith also served in the Reagan administration as deputy assistant secretary of defense for negotiations policy. Prior to that, he served as special counsel to Richard Perle. Before his service at the Pentagon, Feith worked as a Middle East specialist for the National Security Council in 1981-82. Feith is well-known for his support of Israel’s right-wing Likud Party. In 1997, Feith was honored along with his father Dalck Feith, who was active in a Zionist youth movement in his native Poland, for their “service to Israel and the Jewish people” by pro-Likud Zionist Organization of America at its 100th anniversary banquet. In 1992, he was vice president of the advisory board of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. Mr. Feith is a former chairman and currently a director of the Center for Security Policy. Lewis “Scooter” Libby Mr. Libby is currently chief of staff and national security advisor for Vice President Dick Cheney. He’s served in a wide variety of posts. In the first Bush administration, Mr. Libby served in the Department of Principal Deputy Under Secretary (Strategy and Resources), and, later, as Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. Libby was a founding member of the Project for the New American Century. He joined Paul Wolfowitz, William Kristol, Robert Kagan, and others in writing its 2000 report entitled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses – Strategy, Forces, and Resources for a New Century.” Libby co-authored the once-shocking draft of the ’Defense Planning Guidance’ with Mr. Wolfowitz for then-Defense Secretary Dick Cheney in 1992. Libby serves on the advisory board of the Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies of the RAND Corporation. John Bolton In February 2005, Mr. Bolton was nominated US ambassador to the UN by President Bush. If confirmed, he would move to this position from the Department of State where he was Under Secretary for Arms Control, the top US non-proliferation official. Prior to this appointment, Bolton was senior vice president of the neoconservative think tank American Enterprise Institute. He also held a variety of positions in both the George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan administrations. Bolton has often made claims not fully supported by the intelligence community. In a controversial May 2002 speech entitled, “Beyond the Axis of Evil,” Bolton fingered Libya, Syria, and Cuba as “other rogue states intent on acquiring weapons of mass destruction.” In July 2003, the CIA and other agencies reportedly objected strongly to claims Bolton made in a draft assessment about the progress Syria has made in its weapons programs. Elliott Abrams In February of 2005 Elliott Abrams was appointed deputy assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser for global democracy strategy. From December 2002 to February 2005, Mr. Abrams served as special assistant to the president and senior director for Near East and North African affairs. Abrams began his political career by taking a job with the Democratic Senator Henry M. “Scoop” Jackson. He held a variety of State Department posts in the Reagan administration. He was a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute from 1990 to the 1996 before becoming president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, which “affirms the political relevance of the great Western ethical imperatives.” Abrams also served as chairman of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom. In 1991, Abrams pleaded guilty to withholding information from Congress about the Iran-Contra affair. President George H. W. Bush pardoned him in 1992. In 1980, he married Rachel Decter, daughter of neocon veterans Norman Podhoretz and Midge Decter. Robert Kagan Mr. Kagan writes extensively on US strategy and diplomacy. Kagan and fellow neoconservative William Kristol co-founded the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) in 1997. Kagan signed the famous 1998 PNAC letter sent to President Clinton urging regime change in Iraq. After working as principal speechwriter to Secretary of State George P. Shultz from 1984-1985, he was hired by Elliott Abrams to work as deputy for policy in the State Department’s Bureau of Inter-American Affairs. He is a senior associate at the Carnegie endowment for International Peace (CEIP). He is also an international affairs columnist for The Washington Post, and contributing editor at The New Republic and The Weekly Standard. He wrote the bestseller “Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order.” Kagan’s wife, Victoria Nuland, was chosen by Vice President Dick Cheney as his deputy national security adviser. Michael Ledeen Seen by many as one of the most radical neoconservatives, Mr. Ledeen is said to frequently advise George W. Bush’s top adviser Karl Rove on foreign policy matters. He is one of the strongest voices calling for regime change in Iran. In 2001, Ledeen co-founded the Coalition for Democracy in Iran. He served as Secretary of State Alexander Haig’s adviser during the Reagan administration. Ledeen is resident scholar in the Freedom Chair at the American Enterprise Institute, where he works closely with Richard Perle. he is also a member of the Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs’ advisory board and one of its founding organizers. He was Rome correspondent for the New Republic magazine from 1975-1977, and founding editor of the Washington Quarterly. Ledeen also wrote “The War Against the Terror Masters,” which advocates regime change in Iraq, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. William Kristol Son of “godfather” of neoconservatism Irving Kristol, Bill Kristol is currently chairman of the Project for a New American Century, which he co-founded with leading neoconservative writer Robert Kagan. He is also editor of the influential Weekly Standard. Like other neoconservatives Frank Gaffney Jr. and Elliott Abrams, Kristol worked for hawkish Democratic Sen. Henry “Scoop” Jackson. But by 1976, he became a Republican. he served as chief of staff to Education Secretary William Bennett during the Reagan administration and chief of staff to former Vice President Dan Quayle during the George H. W. Bush presidency. Kristol continuously called for Saddam Hussein’s ouster since the 1991 Gulf War. With the like-minded Lawrence Kaplan, Kristol co-wrote “The War Over Iraq: Saddam’s Tyranny and America’s Mission.” He is on the board of advisers of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, established as a counterterrorist think tank after 9/11.
Key figures
To the left are some of neoconservatism’s most influential leaders. Click on a person to learn about his background.