- Torture
- September 6, 2009
- 2 minutes read
A Mentally Handicapped man was tortured by Police in Alexandria
Dr. Elhami Mohammed Moneer accused Colonel Akram Soliman, officer in the Administration of Juveniles Care in the Security Department, in Alexandria, of torturing his mentally handicapped brother.
His 46 yearold brother was tortured in the Security Department during an unjustified period of detention beginning July 21.
Medical reports revealed that the victim was admitted to the main hospital of the university with bleeding in the brain, cerebral injury, and blood clotting under the liver, and weakness in the mobility of the legs. This resulted in permanent disability.
The Criminal Court in Alexandria should review the case on September 6, as the General-Prosecutor of East Alexandria Prosecution transferred the Colonel (defendant) to the Criminal Court in case No. 12155 of 2009 in Sidi Gaber Criminal Court, registration No. 1089 of 2009, after the Prosecution charged him of cruelty and causing permanent disability to a citizen using a thick tree branch.
Elhami relayed to Ikhwanweb that "My brother went for a walk on July 12 and didn’t return. I started searching for him in all hospitals and police stations in
Alexandria and reported his disappearance on July 22.
"I couldn’t find him and I asked in hospitals and police stations many times until someone remembered seeing in the registration of the governmental hospital someone detained under the name of "citizen" with no other information other than the date of entry which was the same day of my brother’s disappearance. I asked to see him and was surprised to find him surrounded by police officers in the Department of Neurosurgery at the hospital