- Human RightsMB OpinionsPalestine
- January 15, 2008
- 2 minutes read
A Statement by the MB Parliamentary Bloc On Gaza Massacre

The Muslim Brotherhood Parliamentary Bloc in the Egyptian People’s Assembly denounces the ruthless massacre, committed by the Zionist entity in the besieged Gaza Strip which harvested 18 Palestinian souls; among whom the son of Hamas leader and Ex-Palestinian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Az-Zahhar.
As well, the Bloc asserts that the carnage wouldn’t happen without the US blind support of Israel , clearly pinnacled in Bush statements regarding the installation of a Jewish state; during his visit to the Occupied Palestine. The Bloc considers these statements a license to proceed in rubbing out all Palestinian issues, topped by the Borders, the Refugees & the Settlements.
On its part, the Bloc invites all Arabs and Muslims, regimes and nations, to adopt a serious stance regarding these slaughters which forebode for anticipant invasion of Gaza Strip. Also, there should be strict and unified position for halting all normalized relations with the Zionist entity state, publicly and secretly.
As well, the Bloc calls upon all Arab governments, esp. Egypt , to lift the siege imposed on Gaza Strip. Instead, they should provide the Palestinians with their needs and backing them in coping with the potential assaults.
The Bloc, also, requests all Arab and international parliaments to exert pressures on their regimes to deal with Gaza disasters in responsible manners, and not be satisfied with condemnations. In the same context, the Bloc highly appreciates bringing about inter-Palestinian reconciliations to be a firewall against Zionist encroachments.