- December 30, 2006
- 3 minutes read
Abo el Fotoh: Saddam Was Rushed To Execution in Flawed Trial

Reacting to the news of Saddam Hussein’s execution, Dr. Abdel Moneum Abo el fotoh, member of the Muslim Brotherhood Executive Bureau, stated to Ikhwanweb that “although members of the MB in Iraq were among those who suffered the most at the hands of his regime, but I believe his trial in general was not fair and did not meet the basic standards of legal justice”, he added “Saddam is now in God”s Hands, and He will decide his ultimate fate”
He demanded to bring to justice also those responsible for killing of more than 650,000 thousand Iraqi civilians, in addition to several thousands Americans who died in vein in unjustified war and for factitious reasons, and called for trying the Bush”s administration for the exact same reason.
Abo el fotoh also reiterated the MB rejection of using foreign occupation troops, or use of any deadly force in that regard,to topple regimes or bring rulers to justice, which should be left to the people themselves to carry out “Muslim Brotherhood supports trying all tyrannical rulers and bringing them to justice but by their own people and certainly not under foreign occupation”, he added “These trials must be also just and fair and fulfill all requirements of a sound legal system”
Abo el fotoh questioned the speed by which the execution took place but downplayed the effect it might have on the level of escalating violence in Iraq.
Carton From 3arabawy Blog
Unofficial Video Shows Hanging Of Saddam
3 Minute Video
Some viewers may find the video disturbing. It should only be watched by a mature audience. Click to view