- February 7, 2016
- 3 minutes read
Ahmed Seif Al-Islam Hassan Al-Banna Memorial Services Cancelled by Egypt Government

Al-Banna family announces the cancellation of the traditional wake for Ahmed Seif al-Islam Al-Banna, which was scheduled to be held after sunset prayers Sunday in Al-Iman Mosque in the Cairo district of Makram Obaid.
Earlier, on Saturday, the current regime’s Interior Ministry and the Religious Endowments Ministry cancelled a wake that was arranged for the deceased in Omar Makram Mosque. Then, the Religious Endowments Ministry announced it would not allow any mosque in its charge (i.e. all mosques) to host the wake. Thus, the family was forced to search for a suitable replacement, and eventually arranged for the wake to be held in Al-Iman special events hall.
But a short while ago, the family was surprised to hear that the Interior Ministry ordered management to close that hall for the entire day, to prevent the wake for Al-Banna from being held there, too.
The Interior Ministry and the Egyptian government are pushing Al-Banna family to resort to holding the traditional wake in the street, by closing the doors of all mosques in its face. But al-Banna’s family cannot guarantee the safety of the masses likely to attend, and would certainly hate to see any harm befall them.
The family, therefore, affirms the cancellation of the wake Sunday, and will receive all messages of condolence by telegram to the following address: Al-Banna Family, Mustafa Al-Shareii, Agouza… or through Facebook at this link: