- Human RightsMB StatementsPalestine
- January 3, 2010
- 5 minutes read
Akef; Solidarity with Palestine secure’s Egypts safety and well-being.
In his weekly statement the Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement called on all the Egyptians to unite in solidarity with their brothers in Palestine. The statement titled “Gaza one year on” Akef asserted that Gaza shared more than a common border with Egypt. In fact Gaza was in a sense reinforcement for the Egyptians in the face of any Israeli aggression. The building of the iron wall would not only affect Palestine’s security but also Egypt’s for both nations will be affected if animosity and aggression escalates. The sealing of tunnels and blocking of Gazans will only add fuel to the already heated differences of opinions. The iron wall would not only cut off the Gazans lifeline it will also increase the already widening gap between the Gazans and Egyptians. These repercussions will continue to reverberate for years affecting one generation after another. Akef added that it was imperative that the ruling regime understood who its real enemies were. History has repeatedly illustrated that our enemies know nothing of friendship in fact it is a matter of time as previously revealed with the wars waged on Afghanistan, Iraq, and Palestine. He added “Who knows maybe Egypt will be next on the list”. Concluding his statement Akef gave tribute to the Gazans resistance asserting that men, women, and children alike stoically stood in the face of the Israeli oppression never wavering, withdrawing or weakening. These people are the real representatives of bravery, chivalry, adamancy, perseverance, sacrifice, strength and patience. He acknowledged in his closing note the significance of solidarity and unity with regards to the Egyptians and the Palestinians for when the time comes ultimately “We will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friend.