• March 12, 2006
  • 8 minutes read

Akef calls on the Muslim Umma for Unity in the Face of Challenges

Akef calls on the Muslim Umma for Unity in the Face of Challenges

Akef calls on the Muslim Umma for

 Unity in the Face of Challenges


 Mr. Mohamed Mahdi Akef

 The Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mr. Mohamed Mahdi Akef, stressed that the Muslim Ummah (community) is required at present to seek to stick to its creed and the elements of unity, which it provides in the face of foreign conspiracies and domestic difficulties. At the same time, he emphasized that the Muslim Umma possesses many potential sources of power, which qualify it to go forward on the road followed by strong developed countries.

In his weekly message, entitled “Some of the Sources of our Strength”, Mr. Akef stated that there were many plots that were being worked out by the United States and the Zionist entity (Israel) to undermine the unity of this Ummah and to keep it underdeveloped. He gave as an example of the Iranian nuclear crisis with regard to which the U.S. wants to keep the Muslim Ummah underdeveloped forever in scientific fields.

He went on to say in his weekly message, that “the American president has revealed explicitly- whereas he normally seeks to hide – part of the unjust scientific siege that they seek to impose on our Ummah, when he strived during his visit to India to further strengthen cooperation with it in its nuclear projects, while he denied that cooperation to its Muslim neighbor Pakistan. He only called on the government of Islamabad to further assist him in his war on so-called “terror”.

In his message, Akef stressed that seeking education and acquiring scientific knowledge are obligations on the Ummah, just like what happens in the Zionist entity (Israel) instead of the current absurdity of spending on empty appearances while paying little attention to reinforcing the sources of strength that the Muslim Ummah possesses.

He stressed the importance of developing the huge wealth that the Ummah has, i.e. “the thousands of expatriate Arab and Muslim scientists and scholars who are part of the cream of this Ummah and who teach at European and U.S. universities. There is neither precise statistics on them nor any vision as to how to keep in touch with them, although some figures indicate that they are in large numbers and have important specialties. Egyptian scientists alone at western universities are more than 650 in applied and technological sciences. This would represent a step on the road towards restoring the sound relationship between governments and Arab/Muslim peoples.”

The Chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood pointed out in his weekly message to the importance of translating into action the religious belief’s call on Muslims for unity and strength.