• June 12, 2006
  • 2 minutes read

Akef Expresses His Condolences For The Death of Archbishop Matta el Meskeen

Akef Expresses His Condolences For The Death of  Archbishop Matta el Meskeen

 Muslim Brotherhood chairman, Mr. Mohamed Mahdi Akef, offered his condolences to the Archbishop of Abu Makkar Monastery, Wadi Natron, Behaira governorate,  on the death of Archbishop Matta el Meskeen.    
In his message Saturday 10-6-2006, Mr. Akef said “we offer the Coptic laity our sympathy and condolences for the death of the honorable pope Matta el Meskeen, whom we pay attribute for his standings and giving for the sublime values in the interest of Egypt and its people”
Brief Biogrpahy of Archbishop Matta el Meskeen 1919-2006
-Born in 1919 in Banha, Qaliubia governorate, his real name is Yousuf Iskandar .                               
-Graduated from Faculty of Pharmacy in 1944.   
-In 1948, he became a monk at  Pope Sameul el Amer’s monastery at Kalamoun mountain
-In 1950, he left the monastery for the Wadi Arrayan area and announced his seclusion.