Akef urges country leading figures to give people hope that reform will happen

Akef urges country leading figures to give people hope that reform will happen
By Muhammad el-Shreef

The Supreme Guide of the Moslem Brotherhood, Muhammad Akef,  urges country leading figures to give people hope that reform will happen


In his weekly address, Akef tackled the critical epoch in which Egypt, Arabs, and Islamic countries live; in which nations have no choice, in which the foreign power dominate people’s destiny, in which rules are isolated from nations, in which people find no outlet in political, cultural, social activities.


The remedy of such crucial situation, for Akef, is to give people hope and to nourish optimism. It is important to illustrate that reform can be attained via violence-free mediums; namely, constitutional and legal methods. It can be fulfilled by respecting the national will, by circulating the power.


Akef believes that terrorism combat will be infertile as long as people are stripped from their right to choose and to be free. The effective solution for violence, which left multiplied causalities worldwide, is to fight the triangle of regression, autocracy and corruption, plus to create an optimistic atmosphere for a better future, based on science, freedom, justice, development and shora, the Arabic term for consultation.