Al Arabiya “Three senior clerics stop their shows on An-Nas channel…”

Al Arabiya “Three senior clerics stop their shows on An-Nas channel…”

“A source in An-Nas religious satellite channel, admitted that three senior clerics presenting shows on it stopped their shows following the recent appearance of young cleric Amr Khaled on its screen. The source who requested anonymity said to “The three clerics, Sheikh Muhammad Hassan, Muhammad Hussein Yaacoub and Abu Ishac al-Huweini did not withdraw from the channel indefinitely, but there are disputes with them”. He also assured that no agreement has been reached with Amr Khaled so far, allowing him to host a show on An-Nas channel which is the most watched in Egypt among the remaining Egyptian channel.

“He added however: “We would be honored to work with him”. Reports had stated that three senior Salafi sheikhs in Egypt, Hassan Yaacoub and Al-Huweini, had left the religious channel which is owned by Saudi businessman Dr. Mansour Kadsa, in protest against the recent appearance of scholar Amr Khalid on the show “Kadayana wa Kadayakom” [Our Issues and Your issues] which is presented by the director of the channel and which addressed the addiction campaign he has been leading… The success and spread of the channel which officially launched its broadcast in January 2006 in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, is due to the three Salafi clerics.

“The source said that during the coming stage, the channel was going to renovate its shape and content to uphold its successes… He added: “The three young clerics will not be relinquished and the channel will bring in other scholars who enjoy a popularity among the viewers”. At the same time, he assured that the channel was going to continue preventing female anchors, including veiled ones from appearing on its screen. He continued: “The faces of female anchors should not be exposed for they could excite the viewers even when veiled. Moreover, the decision to ban the female element will not be recanted”.

“Before resorting to the three sheikhs, female anchors were present in the channel and were hosting some shows. They were then asked to wear the long dress before they were collectively ousted in response to the wish of these clerics…” –, Middle East