Al Fayyum MB Shura Candidate, Son, 12 Others Detained From Street

Al Fayyum MB Shura Candidate, Son, 12 Others Detained From Street

Egyptian security services detained, late on Tuesday, Othman Diab, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate for the constituency of Bandar Al Fayyum and Etsa, along with his son Mostafa and 12 others during election hustings in the city of Al Fayyum. The security services forced him and his son out of his car and arrested them along with a number of passers-by in the street .
They were sent to Al Fayyum police station, on charges of carrying out election hustings and hindering traffic, despite it wasn”t an election tour in the full meaning of the word, given the repeated and severe harassments against Muslim Brotherhood candidates nationwide. The candidate was in his car moving in streets of the constituency and greeting people.
Meanwhile, the candidate of the ruling National Democratic party, the rival of Diab, is given all facilities to help him in his election bid. He carries out daily election tours and marches, and he even produced a documentary presented by announcers in the channel 7. He shows the documentary in giant screens in Al-Sawaqi square, central by Al Fayyum, until 1.00AM everyday without facing any problem.
MB candidate Diab and his supporters are expected to appear in front of Al Fayyum prosecution on Wednesday. He is expected to be released while his supporters are expected to be detained like Al Desouki Kolaib, the MB candidate in the constituency of Tanta who was detained on Monday evening along with two supporters in election