- Human RightsWorkers
- September 3, 2008
- 8 minutes read
Al- Hinnawi Factory Of Smoke Fires 32 Workers

Al- Hinnawi Factory of Smoke in Damanhour has fired 32 workers from the factory and banned them from entering work in the morning of last Saturday, Ikhwanweb reporter said.
This happened because of the workers’ testimony in the Labor Office last Thursday in favor of their colleague Safaa Qandil, whom the factory owner had accused of tearing the working papers, because of her rejection to sign an affirmation of abandoning her financial dues that she obtained under a court order.
When the workers went on Thursday to testify that their colleague had not committed such an act and that it is just a claim by the employer against her, the Labor Office refused to listen to them at the beginning, so the workers demonstrated before the office, Ikhwanweb reporter added.
After this action a police force had came and the workers did not leave until the office had listened to their testimony.
After that, the factory didn’t allow them to enter claiming that the factory owner had fired them, but when they demonstrated they were allowed to enter work on Thursday.
On Saturday, 32 workers including Safaa were banned from entering the factory, in addition to the police forces which have cordoned the factory and attacked Azhaar Yossif Muslim and Hanaa Ahmed Thabet, and the workers were reportedly abused.
The investigation was referred to the prosecution which listened to the workers and to those who are responsible of the company which accused the workers of holding a strike, abusing and insulting the employer and leaving work on Thursday during the working hours without permission or inspection, and the investigation is still ongoing.
A group of human rights organizations had condemned the unfair dismissal of the workers and attacking them by the police forces, and also announced their solidarity with them, called on their return to work, disposing all their dues and investigating about the facts of attacking them.
Signatories to the statement : (The Arab Program for Human Rights – Egyptian Association for Advancement and Societal Participation – Arab Network for Human Rights Information – The Coordinating Committee of the Rights and Freedoms of the Associations and Unions – The Arab Center for Studies of Democracy and Human Rights – The Arab Center for Development and Human Rights – The Egyptian Democratic Institute – Supporters of Justice for Human Rights Association- The National Human Rights Institution- The New Woman Institution – The Egyptian Woman Issues Institution –The Legal Aid Group for Human Rights – Nadim Centre for Treatment and Psychological Rehabilitation – Hisham Mubarak Center for Law).