- Other IssuesReform Issues
- November 12, 2007
- 4 minutes read
Al-Jama’a Al-Islamia: The last chapter of Musharraf’s rule has started
Pakistan”s President Pervez Musharraf, under pressure from internal rivals and Western allies to put Pakistan back on a path to democracy, has held his first news conference since declaring emergency rule on 3 November.
He declared on his conference on Sunday (November 11) that the coming elections would be held in Pakistan by January 9. Also talked about dissolving the National assembly and provincial assemblies, and did not give an exact date for ending the emergency rule in Pakistan.
Ikhwanweb had a phone interview with Mr. “Abdul-Ghaffar Aziz”, spokesman of Al-Jama”a Al-Islamia, in which he criticized Musharraf”s statements saying,
“Pervez Musharraf did not say when he would end emergency rule which he declared a week ago.”
Adding, “Due to such declaration, Musharraf gave all opposition parties and groups the chance to unite and form an alliance against the current status of Pakistan”, saying that all people definitely refuse emergency rule.
He said that the disagreement between both Islamist parties and others in Pakistan, as the party of the former Prime minister, Benazir Bhutto, are all put aside now. Or at least, there are many points of agreement in the meantime among all Pakistani parties.
Aziz said, “Our demands, as well as the whole Pakistani people, are to end the emergency rule, to return the role of judiciary in Pakistan along with the fair honest judges. Besides ending the military rule and having fair impartial elections.
Worth mentioning, Nazwaz Sharif, a former Pakistani prime minister who is now living in exile, has said,
“the chief justice of Pakistan is under house arrest, the judges have been sacked and a new hand-picked judciary is in place and the election commission is not independent… what sort of elections does Musharraf want to hold on 9 January?” *
In his press conference, Musharraf said that the emergency rule was necessary to support the so-called “war on terror” and was vital for Pakistan.
On the other hand, Abdul-Ghaffar Aziz said that such rule only created great chaos in Pakistan. It did not result in political reform as the president claimed; it actually increased tension inside our country.
He added, “In the meantime, thousands of political opposition and rights activists are either behind the bars, or locked up. Al- Qadi Hussein Ahmed, chairman of Al-Jama”a Al-Islamia , is one of those locked up inside their houses and hampered of taking any action.
Aziz clarified that Al-Jama”a Al-Islamia has denied the act of imposing an emergency rule from the very first moment of declaring it in Pakistan.
He said, “It”s rather imposing a military rule all over the country. Because imposing the emergency rule by the Chief of the army staff, and not the legal President, is an act which violates the constitution. He is not a legal President in the meantime; therefore he should not have the authority or power to take such a decision.”
“Pervez Musharraf imagines that he is in charge of everything right now, supposing he would go on with his tyrant policy forever. But I am quite sure that all his fancy dreams would come to an end very soon.”
He illustrated saying,
“His illusion of keeping everything the way he wants; through declaring emergency law, being the President for another coming presidentially period, having pre-arranged elections, and forming a formal government which agrees to whatever he says. These are all unacceptable acts which the whole Pakistani people would eagerly refuse.”
He concluded saying, “Many changes have occurred on the last few months in Pakistan. And I am sure that the good changes would have an effective role on the political level as well.