- Human RightsMB NewsPrisoners of Conscience
- August 10, 2007
- 3 minutes read
Al-Qassas Released

Al-Qassas has been released and returned home after five months in jail. He returned back to his frail 80 years old father who visited him only twice or thrice during his five month jail.
On the night of arresting Al-Qassas, I escaped from my house because my fate is tied to his. However, ” It”s no problem to be in jail as long as I am with Al-Qassas” I said to my self.
Engineer Khairat said when he was first informed of his detention:”Abdul Moneim must have been detained with him.
A month later, I was detained but without sharing with him the same cell in prison.
It was so painful for me to be released while Al-Qassas remained in prison.
Getting acquainted with him only in 2003, I knew the true meaning of brotherhood and brotherly love.
Al-Qassas is an Egyptian gallant young man. He is always concerned with solving problems of others, concerned even more than the one having this problem. He is only 32 years old but I felt like he is our father. He was directing us to do so and so and solves problems of others. As for his own problems, he solves them on his own without seeking any help from others.
In 2006, we were heading for a certain place when we knew that some MB members were arrested. After that, I was arrested. Later, he joined me in prison after taking part in the judges” demonstrations.
By the way, Al-Qassas took part in the judges” demonstrations not noly because he was ordered by the Muslim Brotherhood to do so. He took part because he says history will remember or negligence or support to those judges who who stood restive in front of Mubarak”s tyranny.
I wish all MB members and leaders have the same good traits of Al-Qassas.
Congratulations to Al-Qassas , Egypt , the black hole and to Al-Qassas” fiancée.