Alhamdulileh Viva Palestina 3  Is In Gaza Now!

Alhamdulileh  Viva Palestina 3  Is In Gaza Now!

 Now, we hear the best right moment that the world keeps concentrating on and waiting for : ALL OUR CONGATULATIONS VIVA PALESTINA CONVOY! You finally entered Gaza and broke the siege from Rafah  crossing ! you triumphed and we are waiting to see how happy you are with Gaza people welcoming you! 

Great! You are in Gaza land now exchanging warm feelings, yes that’s true! Yes you will inshalah be compensated for :
caused delays, ill-treatment  and all kinds of offences you have been subject to by the police especially at the Egyptian Arish port : we saw how many of you were beaten and injured. We all are grateful to all of YOU! our hearts keep squeezing for what you endured since the first moments of your itinerary by now taking around one month time of tiring efforts, long distances, repeated promises and heavy extra costs we are following all what happens to you and we are really sick for same.

by : living the best feeling of the free person meeting the free people although under siege to say you are not alone we came to be with you. This is solidarity!. 
This is a strong concrete human rights example that your free selves showed to all the world.
You are brave and honest people. History already registered your deeds. We keep praying Allah for you, for Gaza people and Palestine too.