- July 4, 2013
- 3 minutes read
Alliance in Support of Legitimacy Calls Protests from All Mosques After Friday Prayers
In a statement today (Thursday), the ‘National Alliance in Support of Electoral Legitimacy’ (NASEL) appealed to the masses of the Egyptian people to mobilize in peaceful mass marches in all liberty squares and streets of Egypt, to be started from all mosques, after Friday prayers, to reject the heinous coup against popular will.
NASEL said that it feels rising public anger and the imminent danger threatening the nation as a result of the unprecedented military coup d’état against legitimacy derived from the will of the people and the January 25 Revolution.
It affirmed its full and categorical rejection of the military coup – against the President, the Constitution and democratic legitimacy – and all consequent actions and effects.
NASEL held coup masterminds responsible for the safety of the country’s legitimate President Mohamed Morsi, and for preventing the elected President from contact with the people.
It further stressed full and categorical rejection of all forms of violence against peaceful demonstrations, which has already resulted in the killing and wounding of thousands of Egyptians, holding all state institutions responsible for securing peaceful demonstrations, a right guaranteed to all Egyptians.
Moreover, NASEL stressed categorical rejection of the terror and violence dealt by the new police state authorities, which began from the first moment the coup was announced with all forms of repression, restriction of freedoms, closure of satellite TV channels – especially Islamist ones, restricting the freedom of the media, the arrest of politicians, and framing innocent people.
NASEL demanded the immediate release of all political prisoners, journalists and activists of the Revolution.