- FJP News
- November 24, 2014
- 2 minutes read
Amr Darrag: All Opposition Voices Welcome
Dr. Amr Darrag, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation in the government of legitimate President Mohamed Morsi, said every dissenting voice seeking to join the revolutionary movement now is most welcome.
This came in a televised telephone conversation following remarks made over the weekend by Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei, the Egyptian opposition leader.
Dr. Darrag: "Pondering the general discourse of Dr. ElBaradei’s statements, I’d say he should give more priority to evaluating the current ruling regime’s practices, rather than devote himself to talking about Dr. Morsi a year and a half after the coup that ousted him illegitimately".
On claims that ElBaradei contacted the Muslim Brotherhood, Dr. Darrag added: "Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei did not communicate with me, and did not communicate with any member of the Muslim Brotherhood since the coup.
"Dr. ElBaradei’s talk of contact with the Brotherhood during the coup forces’ violent break-up of the Rabaa sit-in might refer to his communications with the European Union delegation, which – in turn – was in contact with the Muslim Brotherhood at the time."