An Appeal to the Attorney General to Release MB Deputy Al-Shater and colleagues

An Appeal to the Attorney General to Release MB Deputy Al-Shater and colleagues

Abdel Monem Abdel Maqsoud, head of the defence team of Khairat Al-Shater, deputy chairman of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), businessman Hassan Malek and Dr. Osama Soliman, submitted an appeal to the Attorney-General, Abdel Megid Mahmoud to release them on health grounds.

In the complaint, Abdel Maqsoud stressed that the release on health grounds applies to those who have been subject to  arbitrary measures in the era of the former regime as they were tried before exceptional courts. He added that Al-Shater, Malek and Soliman suffer from serious health problems.

Medical reports emphasized conditions like inflation in the heart muscle, blockage in the arteries, failure in the coronary artery, very high blood pressure and diabetes as well as severe inflammation of the nerves. He also suffers from thyroid problems and kidney stones