- Activites
- March 25, 2007
- 2 minutes read
Announcement of UK Vigil
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
26 South Street London W1Y 6DD.
Tel: 0870 005 6715
Fax: 0207 491 1542 link of the site of the embassy: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&q=egyptian+embassy&near=London,+UK&radius=0.0&cid=51500197,-126197,5050833255157844041&li=lmd&ie=UTF8&z=15&ll=51.508021,-0.151963&spn=0.017522,0.030169&om=1&iwloc=A
the site of the embassy You can reach the embassy through the following : Underground:
( Jubilee Line _ Bond Street or Green Park) Victoria Line _ Green Park Station)) Piccadilly Line_ Green Park or Hyde Park Corner)) Bus: No: 16 , 8, 36, 414