- January 22, 2016
- 7 minutes read
Anti-Coup Alliance Calls ‘Complete Our Revolution’ Week of Peaceful Protest Actions
We pray to God to help us complete our Revolution, and to grant us the victory He promised.
Masses of Revolutionary Egypt’s people are renewing their pledge to the Revolution and its martyrs. Protesters are bracing for a new wave of non-violent action that will oust the despots and the oppressors, and bring freedom, social justice and human dignity.
These days, marking the beginning of the sixth year of the January 25, 2011 Revolution, we remember the martyrs who sacrificed their lives to give Egypt back its freedom and dignity, we remember the principles and the objectives for which they died, which we pledged to achieve on the path of the Revolution.
We also remember the honorable and patriotic men and women of the Revolution still steadfast behind bars, facing death – literally – every day, waiting for this revolutionary wave, which inspires them with patience and resilience.
Five years have passed since the start of the Revolution, and we continue to raise our voices with its chants for freedom, human dignity and social justice. No-one will defeat the will of the raging people rising in revolution against the illegitimate junta-controlled coup regime. The corrupt criminal putschists will not continue to crush the demands of the poor, the oppressed and workers for long. No-one can force us to accept soaring prices or corruption.
The Anti-Coup Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance announces it will be in permanent session, following up the revolutionary scene closely, and calls on all Egyptians to join the rallies to face up to injustice, repression and despotism in a new week of peaceful protests entitled: "Complete Our Revolution" as part of the sweeping revolutionary wave "Revolution until victory", everywhere, in every square and street, town and village across Egypt.
We will not cower or hesitate. We will defend and save our beloved homeland Egypt. Murderers and oppressors should realize that the Revolution’s victory is only a matter of time, and then we will hold all criminals accountable and achieve justice.
The Alliance will be the voice of the masses, waking-up popular rage against the illegitimate regime, waking-up consciences to the painful reality. The Alliance will continue to watch every development on the scene and its repercussions, standing by the men and women of the Revolution in Egyptian streets and squares – committed to the peacefulness of their Revolution, and rejecting calls to arm it. The Alliance calls the world, its media and its rights activists to join us in order to follow the popular wrath and the criminal practices of the barbaric security apparatuses that keep threatening all protesters.
The Alliance will regularly and continuously announce developments in the revolutionary scene. We will not let our supporters or the masses of Egyptian protesters fall easy prey for the criminal coup security agencies. Everyone should take care. The evil murderers and traitors should beware of raging reactions as they widen the circle of their violent repressive measures. Raging protesters should be ready, determined and resilient, and aim to defend the homeland and the people’s rights.
Our message to those who still stand watching the scene from a distance: Come join us; put your hand in the hands of the revolutionaries to save Egypt and Egyptians from the deteriorating crises. To those who regard our popular action with suspicion, we say: We are part of the people of this homeland Egypt, we defend this homeland; we only want for it freedom, progress and prosperity… listen only to your conscience, and go out and rally for Egypt, and let all patriots cheer behind you.
Our message to the murderers, putschists and oppressors is clear: you will not be remain in those seats… You will not be allowed to continue your demolition and sabotage of Egypt. You will be defeated, and the people will put you on trial, just like the January 2011 Revolution defeated you and your tyranny, injustice and oppression, albeit for a short while.
Victory for the Revolution
The Anti-Coup Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance
Cairo: Thursday – January 21, 2016