- Fanatic Messages
- June 19, 2010
- 4 minutes read
Anti-Muslim pork sausage party banned by Paris police
The party was organised as a “resistance to the Islamization of France” and was planned to take place next to a mosque on the same day as the English-Algerian World Cup soccer match.
The date June 18, which was scheduled for the party holds significance for the French where Charles De Gaulle in 1840 issued his famous call for the French to resist Nazi occupation in World War II.
The plan to hold the bash was considered offensive enough to cause civil unrest since Islam forbids the consumption of pork and alcoholic beverages.
The ‘bash” is the latest and most public case of France’s existing identity and culture wars targeting mainly Muslims. The last year has witnessed, divisive “national identity” discussions run by the ruling party which almost resulted in a complete federal ban in public places of the ‘niqab’ worn by Muslim women.
Fadela Amara, a French federal minister of Algerian origin, has referred to the protest against Muslims as hateful, racist, and chauvinistic.