- Military TribunalReform Issues
- June 4, 2007
- 9 minutes read
AOHR’s Deputy Chief: MB Military Tribunal Bone-Breaking Between Regime, Justice
Deputy chairman of the Arab Organization for Human Rights: MB Military Tribunal Bone-Breaking Battle Between Regime, Justice
The second session of the military tribunal for the 33 Muslim Brotherhood reformists and business moguls was held on Sunday, June 3rd. Most of the 200-member defence panel in addition to the international observers were denied access to the court session.
About this topic, Haitham Manaa, deputy chairman of the Arab Organization for Human Rights, said :
The current military tribunal is a bone breaking battle between the executive authority and the judiciary in Egypt. This incident will actually have its impact of the future of justice in Egypt and will definitely overshadow the Arab region as a whole because Egypt is a key player all over the region. We have cared for this file since last December when the Egyptian Interior Ministry presidency poked their noses in this topic ..!
Manaa added in a statement to Ikhwanweb that these trials violate the judicial system which has its own rules and regulations. When I send a civilian dressed in civilian clothes to a military tribunal, this angers people who want, as civilians, to stand trial before competent and civilian courts.
I don’t think that this referral to military justice is merely for the sake of reaching truth and releasing the detainees. Taking only this measure (of referring civilians to a military tribunal) means that they aim at issuing tough sentences. They want to show that they can do whatever they want under the military justice, said Manaa.
The human rights activists pointed out that Egypt has a different definition of the military justice. If a person evades the military service and he stands trial in front of a military court, it is OK. But referring civilians unjustly and in such a chaotic way to a military tribunal is a violation to rules and basics of justice and proves that such measures are politically motivated.
Manaa expressed his pessimism towards the future sentences of the tribunal, specially after the Egyptian regime denied international observers access to the trials. “This means that they want to fabricate something which they don’t want the international observers to see. They prevented the Turkish Bar association, Human rights Watch and other human rights organizations to attend the court session. This means that there something prepared under the table.
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