As Protests Continue, Egyptians Determined to Fulfill Revolution’s Demands

As Protests Continue, Egyptians Determined to Fulfill Revolution’s Demands

Egyptian activists appeared determined to continue their protests untill the ruling military council addresses outstanding demands left unfulfilled from the January 25th Revolution. One obvious grievance was that a number of members of the interim government were members of the disbanded National Democratic Party, Mubarak’s political party. Many Egyptians believe that the freedom, social justice and equality that was sought during the initial demonstrations in January have not been attained.

Moreover, protestors are outraged that Mubarak, his allies and the police who killed protestors have not yet faced trial. In response to protestor’s demands, Egypt’s controversial deputy prime minister, Yehia el Gamal, resigned and interim Prime Minister Essam Sharaf promised to reshuffle his Cabinet, in a bid to placate mass nationwide protests. The PM also called upon the Supreme Judicial Council order early retirement for thousands of officers accused of killing protestors as civilian anger increases.

Dr. Mohammed El-Beltagy, Secretary-General of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) counseled that the government needs time to fulfill its promises. At the same time, El-Beltagy noted that the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) is obliged to respond to the legitimate demands of the people. El-Beltagy rejected civil disobedience and any non-peaceful act that would disrupt daily life, indicating that disrupting the country would not lead to the fulfillment of the objectives of the revolution.

July 8th is now being acknowledged among activists as a significant point in time in the ongoing revolution. After giving the military government months to sort out the necessary steps and priorities, protestors feel that not enough has been done. Many feel they are still under military rule and that military trials of civilians must stop.


Chairman of the FJP, Dr. Mohamed Morsy, said that the public has the right to be frustrated over the slow pace of reform and justice, adding that the government is obliged to fulfill the revolution’s demands. The chairman praised the many protestors who resolutely called for justice and solidarity. He underlined the importance of the nation sticking together, putting differences aside.


Some protesters are now focusing their anger on the SCAF, despite previously venting their frustration and showing incredible determination and solidarity in ousting Mubarak and his regime.


Mubarak lost credibility because of his misuse of power and corruption and now the integrity of the SCAF is faltering as public cries question its legitimacy and ability to carry out its mission.