- Human RightsMB News
- October 2, 2007
- 2 minutes read
Asyut University Dismisses 19 Students, Monofiya 23

Asyut University administration has dismissed nineteen students for periods ranging between a full semester and two weeks. Seven students received a dismissal for a complete term and seven other students for a month and five students were dismissed for two weeks .
It is worth mentioning that the Faculty of Engineering had the lion’s share in such irresponsible decisions. Four students from it were dismissed for a full semester, including student Sohaib Mudathir Mohamed a second year student in the mechanics dept. and seven students were dismissed for a month and five students for two weeks.
Student Sohaib Mudathir declared that these arbitrary measures are because these students were welcoming fresh colleagues and congratulating them on the beginning of classes.
In the Faculty of Science, three students received full term dismissals, including student Ali Ghazuli in the fourth year in the Faculty of Science.
In the Faculty of Pharmacy, a number of the students have been transferred to a disciplinary board and they are expected to face the same fate of their colleagues at faculties of engineering and science.
Monofiya University transfers 23 students to disciplinary
To maintain its violations against Muslim Brotherhood students at Monofiya university, the Faculty of Engineering administration referred 23 students to a disciplinary board on charges of bringing tools for student activities and protesting at the inflexibility of guard chief .
The list of charges included a student saying in the faculty ” Allah is our only refuge”. The guard chief committed a funny mistake when he transferred a student to a disciplinary board on charges of exercising student activities at Menof Faculty of engineering (Menofiya University), although this student is from Ain Shams University.