Ayman Nour Travel Ban

Ayman Nour Travel Ban

Reuters is reporting that Egyptian authorities have barred dissident leader Ayman Nour from travelling to the United States.  Responding to the ban, Nour said, “This is illegal according to … the constitution, which says that all Egyptians are entitled to leave the country or emigrate whenever and wherever they desire.”  Nour wanted to take part in a conference on “the future of Egypt” organised by the Coalition of Egyptian Organisations in the United States, as well as at the Council on Foreign Relations and George Washington University’s Elliott School.  Nour recently launched a Campaign Against Presidential Succession, along with the Muslim Brotherhood and other opposition groups.

On the subject of Egyptian succession, Joseph Mayton has written a piece for the Guardian arguing that Gamal Mubarak represents the status quo: “What Egypt needs, the younger Mubarak cannot offer. He represents all that is wrong with Egyptian politics and society.”  Instead of Gamal becoming president he should work to rid Egypt of its cronyism and to create the Egyptian dream through education reform.

Lastly, The Daily News Egypt is reporting on the completion of Egypt’s first ever women’s management conference, sponsored by ExxonMobil, which brought together 23 mid-career women from the region to explore the role of women in