Bahr calls on int’l parliaments to boycott Knesset after referendum law

Bahr calls on int’l parliaments to boycott Knesset after referendum law

GAZA, First deputy speaker of the Palestinian legislative council Dr. Ahmed Bahr urged all parliaments of the world to boycott the Israeli Knesset and classify it as a terrorist legislative body that poses a threat to international peace and security because of its intention to sanction the referendum law.

The Knesset unanimously approved on Monday a law which makes it mandatory for a national referendum before any withdrawal can take place from occupied east Jerusalem or the occupied Syrian Golan.

Dr. Bahr described the law as racist and extremely dangerous threatening the Palestinian rights and constants, stressing that the Knesset became a repository for breeding racist and criminal laws.

The deputy speaker underlined that this law is totally invalid and violates international conventions and resolutions because referendums are conducted on internal matters and not on occupied territories.

He also noted that this law sent a message to the Palestinian authority’s negotiators that their talks with Israel about Jerusalem ended forever.