Barak cancels visit to France for fear of being arrested

Barak cancels visit to France for fear of being arrested

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, — Israeli war minister Ehud Barak unexpectedly canceled his visit to France out of fear of being arrested and brought to trial after several French activists announced their intention to prosecute him for the massacre incurred by Israeli military forces against peace activists on the Freedom Flotilla while en route to the Gaza Strip, leaving scores of people dead and wounded.

Barak’s office announced that he decided to stay in Israel and not go to Paris to participate in the annual international military exhibition held in Paris.

Hebrew daily Yediot Aharonot reported on its website on Sunday that Barak’s cancellation was decided after French activists who participated in the Freedom Flotilla, with support from three members of the French parliament, announced their intention to prosecute Barak on charges of kidnap and detention in international waters, and to proceed to the International Court of Justice in The Hague to bring Israel to court for committing war crimes on territorial waters.

Anwar Gharbi, a member of the European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza, one of the founding members of the Freedom Flotilla, said in a press statement, “We will strive to make what happened to Barak in Paris recur in all world capitals,” pointing out that efforts are being made by the European campaign in collaboration with a large number of participants of the Freedom Flotilla in Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Sweden, Britain, and Germany, to prosecute Israeli leaders for the crimes they committed.

Gharbi provided that the case against Israel would be based on Chapter II of Charter of The Hague Tribunal, which criminalizes interference with humanitarian missions at times of war.

He added that international legal articles frankly state that what Israel committed was a crime against world peace and humanity, and that what was committed against the Freedom Flotilla was a crime of international jurisdiction.