- ActivitesHuman RightsPalestine
- March 20, 2009
- 3 minutes read
Baraka: Testimonies of Israeli soldiers enough to indict leaders of war crimes

Arab member in the Israeli Knesset (parliament) MP Mohammed Barak has asserted Thursday that the testimonies of Israeli soldiers participated in the war on Gaza could serve as clear and irrefutable evidence to indict the Israeli occupation leaders of war crimes.
The Hebrew Haaretz newspaper published testimonies of a number of Israeli soldiers engaged in the monstrous Israeli war on Gaza, proving that the IOF troops targeted and killed Palestinian civilians intentionally, and with blessing from their commanders.
“Today, we read only little of the may things we know about the war crimes committed by the Israeli soldiers in Gaza Strip with clear and direct orders from the Israeli occupation government, the Israeli war minister, and the army leadership”, underlined Baraka, describing the soldiers” confessions as “self-indicting” evidences.
According to Baraka, human logic stressed the need to put Israeli occupation leaders on trials for the war crimes they had committed against the Palestinian civilians, deprecating the international community double-stand position when it comes to blaming Israel.
In this regard, Baraka said that one and single decision that might be taken by the international community to prosecute Israeli leaders could help stop the daily Israeli crimes and aggressions against the Palestinian people in the West bank and Gaza Strip, urging the world”s public opinion to pressure their governments into halting those Israeli crimes.
On Thursday, testimonies of a number of Israeli soldiers were published in the Haaretz news paper, narrating ugly crimes they had committed against Palestinian families, children, and elderly people, including killing a mother and her two children in cold blood after they detained them for days in their home.
“I don’t think that the soldier was unhappy of he had done because, for him, what he has done was based on orders given to him by his superiors… let me tell you that lives of the Palestinians was far less then the live of our own soldiers”, one of the Israeli infantry commanders was quoted by the paper as acknowledging that cruel crime.
The testimonies also show that an Israeli sniper requested his commander to shoot and kill and elderly Palestinian woman standing only 100 meter away from him, which the commander and agreed, and the woman was indeed shot dead by the soldier.
The Israeli occupation government and Israeli military leaders repeatedly alleged that the IOF troops followed ethics of engagement during the war on Gaza; but the testimonies of their own soldiers constituted big blow to their allegations, and exposed Israel”s ugly face in deliberately killing children.