• November 15, 2012
  • 3 minutes read

Bayanouni: Syrian People Revolution Let Down by International Community

Bayanouni: Syrian People Revolution Let Down by International Community

Ali Sadr Bayanouni, the former Comptroller-General of the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria and member of the Syrian National Council, affirmed that the revolution of the Syrian people is a popular revolution in which the Syrian people closed ranks behind one goal, and were doing everything in their power, sacrificing their most precious possessions, to achieve this ultimate goal, which is the overthrow of the tyrant Bashar Al-Assad.

In an interview with Al Arabiya satellite TV station, Bayanouni said: "The Syrian Revolution cannot be controlled by one particular faction or political stream. The Syrian people came out, with all colors and stripes of political orientations, to topple Assad and his corrupt, repressive regime.

"The problem of the Syrian revolution is the lack of a unified leadership. Needless to say, all factions must unite. Fortunately, that is what a lot of opposition forces have started to do, to close ranks around the main goal, to topple the Assad regime. That promises imminent success, to achieve victory over the oppressive Syrian regime."

Bayanouni further denounced the weak response by the international community and major powers so far in supporting the Syrian people despite being able to do so. He pointed that the Syrian people do all they can, "but there’s no comparing their meager resources with the heavy weapons and aircraft the bloody-minded Assad regime is using".

He rejected claims that the Muslim Brotherhood is controlling the Syrian National Council, saying, "There are many who hate the mere presence of the Syrian National Council and wish it fails so the situation in Syria continues as it is now.

"The Muslim Brotherhood is one of the components of the Syrian people. It suffered massively under Assad’s regime; it paid a lot; sacrificed a lot of martyrs, so as to unite and organize its members, which has impressed many around the world. Is this their fault? Do opponents stand in their way because of their cohesion, unity and organization?"

Bayanouni affirmed that ultimately the Syrian people have the final word in their revolution. He ruled out reconciliation with Assad and his regime after all the crimes they committed against the people of Syria. He also stressed that people will not agree to a so-called safe exit for Bashar after the massacres he committed against the unarmed Syrian people.