• December 27, 2011
  • 1 minute read

Beltagy Welcomes Decree Canceling 90 Military Sentences, Calls for Ending Military Tribunals for Civilians

Beltagy Welcomes Decree Canceling 90 Military Sentences, Calls for Ending Military Tribunals for Civilians

Dr. Mohamed Beltagy, Executive Bureau member of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) welcomed the decision by Field Marshal Tantawi to cancel prison sentences against 90 civilians by military courts.

In a statement to Ikhwanweb Beltagy said: "While we welcome the decree, we call on SCAF to drop the remaining military cases against civilians and refer them from military prosecution to civilian investigations".

He added that this step should be followed by others fulfilling the public demands of a complete repealing of military trials for civilians.