Blatant attacks by University’s security guards against MB students result in broken bones

Blatant attacks by University’s security guards against MB students result in broken bones

 Muslim Brotherhood student Somaya Ashraf, at the Faculty of Islamic Studies, in the Al-Azhar University of Zagazig, has suffered a brain hemorrhage and her condition has progressively worsened as a result of the attacks by security forces. Another MB female student was also attacked and beaten resulting in a broken leg after security’s guards repeatedly kicked her in the chest,face and legs in an attempt to ban them from entering the college premises insisting they be searched.

Both students were taken to the hospital for examinations and necessary medical aid, amid hundreds of students demonstrating inside the college. A large number of students gathered in front of the hospital gates, demanding urgent investigation.


Sources reported to “Ikhwanweb” that university guards banned Somaya from entering the grounds insisting she be searched. The girl who refused was man-handled roughly by the university’s guards who almost tore the girl’s clothes and headscarf as they kicked her, resulting in heavy casualties.


Central security forces surrounded the demonstrators and used water cannons to disperse rebel students who protested against the repeated violations by the university guards, chanting slogans condemning police interference in the student’s internal affairs.