Brotherhood MP Prevents Sectarian Sedition in Alexandria

Brotherhood MP Prevents Sectarian Sedition in Alexandria

Brotherhood MP Al-Mohammady Sayed Ahmad managed to prevent sectarian riots that might have flared up after a quarrel between a Muslim and a Christian at Ahmad Abu Suleiman district in Alexandria, Ikhwanweb reporter said.


Once he heard about the incident, Al-Mohammady contacted both parties and concluded a customary meeting to patch up the incident consequences and reconcile each of them.


In exclusive statements to Ikhwanweb, he ensured the unity of the Egyptian people and land and criticized some extremists of both parties who wanted to inspire sedition.


He also criticized the media for showing interest in both parties who inspire seditions while ignoring the real common ground for peaceful co-existence between Muslims and Christians.


He called upon all Muslims and Christians to avoid such disputes in favor of the country.