- 2010 election update
- October 29, 2010
- 2 minutes read
Campaigning made interesting by NDP candidates

An article in Egypt’s state run Al Gomhoreya newspaper asserts that for the first time since 1886 November’s elections will ensure 64 women are represented in Egypt’s People’s Assembly. Some however oppose the new system arguing that it may have some serious drawbacks where each governorate constitutes a single electoral district, rendering it difficult for candidates to tour large districts during the campaign period.
Outside of the quota system the 2010 elections include some powerful contenders beyond the fierce competition over National Democratic Party (NDP) nominations for women’s quota seats. As internal elections neared competition over NDP nominations for quota seats heightened.
Al-Dostour reports that there was fierce competition in Minya, between 26 candidates seeking NDP nomination where candidates competing over NDP nominations for quota seats employed an array of campaign tools, including the use of religious symbols. Women prepared meals on the streets and attended weddings while others distributed biographical booklets and CDs. Chocolate and flowers were distributed in Daqahleya, to party members.
Much hearsay surrounded the nomination of NDP female nominees including Aisha Abdel Hadi Minister of Labor from Suez who is expected to run in the Suez district causing problems for the NDP secretariat in the governorate.
NDP secretary for women Mona Kandil is running for the professionals’ seat in Marsa Matrouh despite NDP regulations that bar organizational post holders from running.
TV figures, have also registered to run in the elections including broadcaster Gamila Ismail as Independent and actress Samira Ahmed representing the Wafd Party.
Aldostour reports that the NDP and MB competition continues in several districts where NDP Giza candidate, Mohammed Abu al-Enein will be running once again against MB candidate Mohammed Abu El-Dhahab
Another interesting district to be monitored is Bandar Shebin al-Kom, a stronghold of the MB, where the Minister of Education’s Brother Mohammed Zaki Badr, and Amin Mubarak President Mubarak’s cousin, will be facing MB candidate Ragab Abu Zaid.