In the article, I criticized the Obama administration for cutting assistance to Egyptian NGOs. As I argue toward the end of the piece, civil society assistance has too often been
The title of Alastair Crooke's book Resistance: The Essence of the Islamist Revolution may easily invoke the late Palestinian thinker Edward Said's critiques of trying to essentialize Islam.
The US should engage with Islamist groups in the Arab world if it is serious about promoting democracy in the region, says Shadi Hamid, deputy director of the Brookings Doha
For much of its 80-year history, the Muslim Brotherhood's very name symbolized promotion of a violent, anti-western movement bent on strict imposition of Islamic law. Much of the first generation
According to Marc Lynch in The National, moderate Islamist movements‘ attempts to participate in democratic processes throughout the Arab world have been stemmed by secular authoritarian regimes
A car bomb killed 91 in Pakistan while US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visits. A bomb in Baghdad killed 155 fueling Sunni-Shiite tensions. A bomb in Kabul targeting UN
Reporting from Cairo - He doesn't seem a radical or a troublemaker, but to the Egyptian government, Abdel Fattah Rizk, a surgeon with a graying mustache and hands pink from
Moderate Islamist movements across the Arab world have made a decisive turn towards participation in democratic politics over the last 20 years. They have developed an elaborate ideological justification for
The attacks of September 11, 2001, the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq, and the war on terror, mainly Islamist terrorism, have strained the relations with the Muslim world, which considered