Political Islam Studies

Do Islamists need a way out?

The Case of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in Islam and Politics: Renewal and Resistance in the Muslim World, Stimson Regional Voices, Henry L. Stimson Center Washington, 2009, pp 3-16].

Religion in the Wake of the Revolution

Religion has always played an important role in Egypt and notably, when Mubarak stepped down, Islamists reemerged in the political arena.

Qaradawi compares MB and Salafists outlook on politics

Following the January 25 People’s revolution the surfacing of Salafi groups who have normally kept away from politics has been witnessed with clear intentions of becoming involved in the political

Who’s afraid of the Muslim Brothers

Western fears of 'Islamism' have been aided by Arab autocrats seeking to prolong their iron-fisted rule.

Amr Khaled’s moderate thought fights Al-Qaeda’s extremist ideology in Yemen

Egyptian preacher embarks on battle to win hearts and minds of Yemeni extremists with his intermediacy, moderation.

How political Islam is winning the war for talent (and gaining a competitive edge)

In 2009 the Muslim Brotherhood's Supreme Guide Mohammed Mehdi Akef voluntarily stepped aside -- the first time a top leader in the movement had voluntarily resigned before reaching death's door.

Muslim Brotherhood expert discusses Maghreb Salafism

Alaya Allani is a professor of contemporary history at the University of Manouba in Tunis and a specialist in political Islam.

POMED Notes: “Between Religion and Politics”

An event was held today at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace celebrating the release of the book “Between Religion and Politics”, coauthored by Amr Hamzawy and Nathan Brown.

New Pew Forum Report offers an In-Depth Profiles of Muslim Networks and Movements in Western

The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life has released a new report on "Muslim Networks and Movements in Western Europe," profiling several of the oldest, largest and most influential

Moderate Islamism- Key to Democracy?

director of research at the Brookings Doha Center, argues in a new policy briefing that the U.S. must reassess its policy toward moderate Islamist groups in the Middle East, or