Research and Commentary

Egypt’s coup has plunged the country into catastrophe

There's no doubt Mohamed Morsi's government made mistakes, but now Sisi's regime is bringing the country to its knees

The current conflict is between democracy, governance, and the military coup; not the Brotherhood and

The matter at hand during this difficult time, which began with the events on June 30 2013 and culminated in a military coup on July 3 2013, is not the

Egypt, be careful what you wish for

“Be careful what you set your heart upon - for it will surely be yours.” These words James Baldwin wrote in 1961, concerned a man who was skeptical of his

New Threat to Egyptian Democracy

Hidden by headlines from the Middle East on the Syrian crisis and Obama's announcement of greater U.S. involvement, the uprising in Taksim Square and major cities in Turkey, and the

Between Interference and Assistance: The Politics of International Support in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya

Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya have all held relatively successful elections, ushering in parliaments and governments with popular mandates.

From Bad Cop to Good Cop: The Challenge of Security Sector Reform in Egypt

After decades of abuse under the old regime, how can the civilian government of President Mohamed Morsi turn Egypt’s security apparatus into one befitting a new democracy? What are the

Is There an Egyptian Nation?

The current protests aren't about the President Mohamed Morsi's power grab -- this fight is over something far more basic.

Democratic Experience for Copts and the Muslim Brotherhood

Whilst peoples just as liquids take the shape of environments in which they exist, prevailing culture – in spite of its reluctance to spontaneously change – can be reshaped by

Amnesty International Demands Independent Investigation Into Rights Violations by Ethiopian Gov’t

The Ethiopian authorities are committing human rights violations in response to the ongoing Muslim protest movement in the country.

Pew Study: Most Muslims Want Democracy, Personal Freedoms, and Islam in Political Life

More than a year after the first stirrings of the Arab Spring, there continues to be a strong desire for democracy in Arab and other predominantly Muslim nations. Solid majorities