Social Media

Mahmoud Hussein: Muslim Brotherhood Will Not Stage Street Protests Against President

In an interview with the newspaper Al-Masry Al-Youm at the Muslim Brotherhood's headquarters in Cairo, Dr. Mahmoud Hussein, Brotherhood leader and Secretary-General, rejects as baseless rumors of 'Ikhwanization' of the

Fahmi Howeidi: Egyptian Media Guilty of Incitement

What started as a limited incident, in a tiny village, and was settled locally immediately, was suddenly launched into the spotlight, with hate media consciously publishing and broadcasting false and

MB Youth Launch Page Monitoring MB News

A group of Muslim Brotherhood (MB) youth launched a page on the social networking site Facebook dedicated to objectively discussing interesting news concerning the community and the (MB).

Egyptian Youth Launch Facebook Page To Expose Remnants of Mubarak Regime

A group of Egyptian revolutionary youth launched a page on the social networking site Facebook called “Emsek folool”, or “Chase the Former Regime Remnants,” with the goal of exposing remnants

Muslim Brotherhood Youth Launch

A group of young Muslim Brotherhood members launched an entertainment page on the social networking site Facebook titled Ikhwan Cinema, rocketing to almost 9000 fans, and intending to relay the

Activists Launch Page on Facebook Explaining What the MB is About

A number of internet activists have launched a page on the social networking site Facebook to define and explain what the Muslim Brotherhood is about.

A Campaign on Facebook to Nominate “Liberation Martyrs” for the Nobel Prize

A number of Facebook activists launched an e-campaign entitled "Nominating the martyrs of Egypt's peaceful revolution for 2011 Nobel Peace Prize”. The campaign aims at honouring the martyrs,

Libyan dictator warns use of Facebook

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information today expressed surprise and resentment at the continuation of Libyan dictator resorting to practices that need psychological treatment , the latest of which

Egyptian Regime to Continue Oppressive Policies, Blocks Facebook

Although Facebook has returned a few hours ago Mubarak's regime blocked the popular social networking website, Facebook.

Egyptian Opposition’s Facebook Groups Disappear

On Thursday November 25, 2010, many facebook groups such as “Monitoring the Unit of 2010 Parliamentary Elections”, “El-Baradei as a President for Egypt”, and “We are all Khaled Saeed” were