Christian Intellectuals Welcome MB’s Initiative to Join their Freedom and Justice Party

Christian Intellectuals Welcome  MB’s Initiative to Join their Freedom and Justice Party

Egyptian Christian intellectuals have welcomed the initiative put forward by the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) for communicating with them. They also welcomed the invitation of the MB to join their Freedom and Justice party which will be established within a few days.

Dr. Rafiq Habib told Ikhwanweb: "This initiative would remove the fears and concerns Christians have towards the Islamist movement in general and of the MB in particular. It would also build bridges to communicate together, especially after a long time of intimidation against the Christians from the Islamic
movements by the former regime."

He added: "The call by the MB Chairman is based on the idea that the party reflects a political ideology with an Islamic background which should be considered by the Christians carefully, especially after a long period of time when the community was dismantled by the former regime. This should be studied carefully in order to see the equal rights coming from the cultural and civilised vision adopted by the Freedom and Justice party of the Muslim Brotherhood.For his part, Dr. Refat Fekry welcomed the dialogue called for by the MB saying: “Dialogue is necessary for the humanitarian connection, but in my view three things should be officially explained by the MB before starting a dialogue: the candidacy of women and Christians for presidency, and building of Churches "But from my point of view the Brotherhood must explain three things for the nomination of women and Copts to the Presidency and the
building of churches.”