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- April 18, 2011
- 2 minutes read
Christian Science Monitor: Dismantling NDP deals blow to old power structure
The Christian Science addresses the dismantling of Egypt’s former ruling NDP describing it as yet another step to appease the public and reassure them that the party will not roll back the revolution
According to the article those concerns subsided Saturday when Egypt’s Supreme Administrative Court ordered the dissolution of the NDP. The court also ordered the party’s vast assets be liquidated and the funds turned over to the state stating that the money is actually the money of the people
It cites the opinion of Emad Gad an analyst at the Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies who claims that the party no longer possesses the power it had during Mubarak’s reign and that decent figures in the party have already left, the party looking to join other parties He stressed that the main source of power for this party was its overlapping authority, with the government. Hence it was only natural that after the collapse of Mubarak’s regime, the party also be over.
According to Gad any reconstituted or renamed NDP would secure no more than 5 percent of the parliamentary vote in September since its image is now negative leaving it open for the Muslim Brotherhood, who he described was the best-organized political group, to perform strongly.