Christianity, Islam and the Future of Democracy

Is there a clash of civilizations? Can we get along and together further the cause of democracy and freedom? What is the role of religion in a modern, pluralistic society?

Joe Loconte
Senior Fellow at Ethics and Public Policy Center, and

Radwan Masmoudi
President of Center of the Study of Islam and Democracy

will kick off the discussion. You are warmly invited to join the discussion on:

Wednesday, February 20 2008
12.30 – 13.30 in Nitze 417

School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)
The Nitze Building (main building)
1740 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

The meeting is sponsored by the SAIS Christian Form and Muslim Students at SAIS.

For more information, contact Pamela Mukerji at [email protected] or Gert-Jan Segers at [email protected]