Coalition of Islamic Parliaments Condemns Bombings in Morocco

Coalition of Islamic Parliaments Condemns Bombings in Morocco

The International Forum for Islamic Parliaments condemned that latest explosions that hit Morocco, Algeria and Iraq and considered them an indication that violence is an option which is still adopted by some as a means for expressing their presence .
The following is the text of the statement, a copy of which was obtained by Ikhwanweb:
The latest explosions that took place in Morocco, Algeria and Iraq show that violence is an option which is still used by some to express themselves and an attempt to have an effect on the regional situation of the nation through maintaining bloodshed against civilians, depriving peoples of opportunities for progress, growth and stability, and hindering the solution of national reconciliations that gained considerable ground on official and popular levels. This constitutes a burden on the nation and enables others to gain more chances for controlling its wealths and intervene in its affairs .
The International Forum for Islamic Parliaments (IFIP) condemns the suicide bombings that hit Algeria on Wednesday, April, 11, 2007, and targeted Algerian people and state institutions; IFIP condemns the committers and confirms that Islam disavows any relation with any act of violence committed in its name.
The IFIP condemns also the bombing operation that targeted MPs in the Iraqi House of Representatives on Thursday, April, 12, 2007, a bombing that targets the democratic in the country.
The IFIP demands the foreign forces to withdraw from Iraqi territories to ensure Iraq”s security, unity, sovereignty and freedom .
The IFIP sends its condolence to the Iraqi people and families of the MPs and everyone killed in this operation .
It also calls again for maintaining solutions of national reconciliation in all Islamic countries because they are civilized solutions for the crises facing the nation and regimes; it calls also for more political reforms that include the people and their representatives as partners who can do their roles for getting out of the political crisis that turned into security crises.
The IFIP confirms that the Islamic nations that have shown prominent abilities of patience and solidarity can rise again through democracy and dialogue that protect our Islamic countries from any foreign intervention , and facilitate the development process as a comprehensive solution for the crisis.
Islamic parliamentarians are urged to call on all parliamentarians to contribute to these solutions; the IFIP calls on all regimes and political powers to take care of the youth and get them out of state of social and political marginalization and enable them to effectively contribute to building their countries through adopting political and religious dialogue to eradicate extremism and violence.
The IFIP calls on all governments to give a wider space for the Islamic moderate voice to instruct the youth and save them from deceit and exploitation that may harm the interests of the nation.
” Prophet Muhammad (PUH) portrayed the Muslim community as one body. If any organ of which suffers the whole body shares this suffering “
IFIP Chairman
Abd Al-Majeed Manasra