- Islamophobia
- August 28, 2010
- 9 minutes read
Coincidence or Islamophobia

CAIR America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization and Muslim civil rights group renew calls for official response to growing anti-Muslim bigotry.
A recent article published in the PRNewswire-USNewswire confirms that the organization renewed its call for a strong response by public officials to growing anti-Muslim bigotry nationwide following another hate incident targeting an American mosque.
The New York chapter of the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-NY) The article reports the incident of a man who entered the Iman Mosque in Queens, N.Y., during a prayer service and shouted anti-Muslim insults calling them terrorists, as he urinated on the prayer rugs.
Similar reports in California cited that a mosque was vandalized with a brick and hate signs in reference to the controversy over a planned Islamic community center in New York City were left. "No Temple for the God of terrorism at Ground Zero. and "Wake up America, the Enemy is here. and "American Nationalist Brotherhood." were painted on the signs. The article by John Ellis and Jim Guy highlighted the local Muslims fear of attacks by extremists.
"Some local Muslims worry that talk radio hosts who have repeatedly invited callers to express their anger about the controversy surrounding a proposed Islamic center near the site of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City are fanning flames of intolerance — and putting their families in danger".
Betwa Sharam from the Aol. News writes that support for the Muslims and their Ground Zero mosque may be a tough road to travel wondering if it may be too late for the Pro mosque Movement.
Groups supporting the Park51 Islamic Cultural Center, which most Americans say shouldn’t be built as planned some 300 yards from ground zero, announced today an initiative to better make their case, but admitted they face an uphill battle to eclipse the mosque opponents who dominate the debate.
Further evidence of Anti-Islamists is demonstrated in the unfortunate incident of a cabbie being stabbed and nearly killed simply for being Muslim. Ibrahim Hooper, the national communications director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told AOL News that he believed it was encouraged by some areas in the media.
"I think this clearly demonstrates that hate speech often leads to hate crime when you have the constant vilification of Islam and Muslims on talk radio, in newspapers, on cable news and on the Internet,"
CAIR director Faiz Ali urged that the incident be treated as a hate crime and that the offender be charged and punished. She called on political leaders to defend the victims and assume their role in protecting the citizens. Ali however commended the efforts of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg for his support for religious freedom and civil rights.