- June 1, 2007
- 6 minutes read
Concerns Over Monem’s Safety And Whereabouts
MB blogger and Journalist Abdel Monem Mahmoud was released early Friday morning from the Mahkoum Tora Prison but he is nowhere to be found. Witnesses confirm seeing Monem leaving the prison premises in
Legal experts explain that the failure to hand over Monem in Alexandria, if proven true, might signal the government intention to rearrest him again, which will be a major setback to justice which is never served at the hands of the brutal State Security Police.
Attorney Islam Lotfy, Monem’s lawyer, stated to IKhwanweb that Monem was able to have someone call him [attorney] and pass a message of his whereabouts as he moved.
Mr. Lotfy added that Monem arrived at Beheira governorate at 9:00 PM, and then arrived at the Ministry of Interior Transfers Department in
While Monem was able to pass a third message to his lawyer confirming he is inside Alexandria Transfers Department, security officials denied he ever appeared at their premises and Monem’s lawyers were dismissed.
“It is illegal to keep Monem for more than 24 hours after his release. I am worried Monem is being subject to re-interrogation by State Security, or even torture and re-detention” Says Mr. Lotfy.
Monem was arrested on April 15,2007, after giving a public testimony on torture during a human rights conference, and also after posting his torture testimony on his bog. Among the preliminary charges for his arrest were “associating with Human Rights organization in an effort to soil the image of the regime” and “discrediting the authorities by accusing them of routinely using torture in local police prisons”. Read more on charges against Monem here.
“We Are Not Numbers” By Malek
We Are Not Numbers
By Malek – English translation by Mary Joyce
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Free Monem
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