Coordinator of El-Baradei Campaign Resigns

Coordinator of El-Baradei Campaign Resigns


Poet, Abdel Rahman Yousef, announced his resignation from his post as
coordinator for the campaign “Supporting El-Baradei and the Demands for
Change” for personal reasons.

In his statement published on his website, Abdel Rahman said: “It was an
honour working with a working group of the most honourable people in Egypt.
I will remain a member of the campaign and a member of the trend for peaceful
political reform from my position as a poet and writer.” He thanked the
provinces committee in the campaign and the executive bureau of the campaign
as well as all reformist figures in Egypt, especially Dr. Mohamed El-Baradei.

Some people attributed the resignation to the problems between Abdel Rahman
and a number of members of the campaign while others confirmed that Abdel
Rahman announced earlier that he would resign in December pursuant to the
principle of democracy in choosing a new coordinator for the campaign.