Court Annuls Security Guards Presence in Egypt Universities

Court Annuls Security Guards Presence in Egypt Universities

The first district of the Administrative Judicial Court agreed on Tuesday on the demand to annul the presence of Interior Ministry security guards at Egypt” Universities.

Professor of Medicine at Cairo University Dr Mohamed Abul Ghar said in statements to Ikhwanweb that this judicial verdict is an application of the law and vicroty for the Egyptian constitution, as the university is an independent institution and the security should have no place there.

Professor of Geology at Helwan University Yahia Al Qazzaz said that this ruling is a part of a set of Egyptian judiciary victories for freedoms as it abides by the law and constitution. He stated that now security police should immediately leave all campuses to restore the independence of  Egyptian universities that has been threated by subsequent security intervention in many university affairs. 

Earlier, a number of professors at Cairo University had filed a lawsuit against the Prime Minister Ahmed Nazif, the Minister of Higher Education Hani Helal, the Minister of Interior Habib Al Adli and the president of Cairo University Ali Abdur-Rahman, demanding the closure of the security offices of the Ministry of Interior at the Egyptian universities, and also to end presence of police officers inside universities.