- Human RightsMB NewsPrisoners of Conscience
- October 4, 2007
- 2 minutes read
Court Orders Release of El Erian, Group of MB Leaders
A Cairo criminal court, north of the city, ordered the release of Dr. Essam el Erian and 9 other MB leaders including engineer Nabi Mekbl, relative of legendary actor Adel Imam. The group was arrested on August 17 on template charges of belonging to an illegal organization (MB).
Adel Abdel Maksoud, MB Lead attorney said in an interview with the daily Al Doustor that he expects the group to be actually released and doubted the government will issue a re-arrest warrant.
Confirmed names of those who have been ordered to be released are,
1-Dr. Essam al Erian, Head of MB Political Bureau
2-Engineer Nabil Mekbl
3-Al Said Nozeely, coordinatior of the MB administerative office in Giza
4-Dr. Ahmed Omar, General Secretary of Cairo Doctors’ Syndicate
5-Dr.Mohy Zayet
6-Dr. Moustafa al Ghonemy, General Secretary of Gharbya Doctors’ Syndicate
7-Hossam abu Bakr
8-Hamdy Ibrahim
9-Khalid al Beltagy
10-Hammam Youssef
11-Sayfeddin al Maghraby
12-Osama Hassanein