Court Postpones Seeing Challenge On MB Military Verdicts To October

Court Postpones Seeing Challenge On MB Military Verdicts To October

Administrative Judiciary Court postponed to October 28 seeing the two challenges filed by lawyers of the 18 Muslim Brotherhood leaders who received jail sentences last April after an internationally-condemned military tribunal, MB Chief Attorney Abdul Monem Abdel Maksoud told Ikhwanweb Monday.


Monday’s session was supposed to witness the hearing of the challenged parties including the Ministries of Defense, Interior, Justice, as well as the Attorney General, the chief of Military Justice, the chief of the Higher Military Court, and the interior minister’s advisor on prison affairs.


The first challenge is against the decision of the Attorney General to continue jailing the MB leaders although the verdicts were legally null because of a concurrence of jurisdiction between the Military Court and the Administrative Court, Abdel Maksoud said. The Military Verdicts were issued while the Constitutional Court was still examining the challenge against the concurrence of jurisdiction; therefore the Military Court should have stopped the case until the Constitutional Court issues its ruling on who should examine the case. So the final verdicts were released illegally.


The second challenge was against President Mubarak’s decision to bestow amnesty on prisoners on the anniversary of the July 23 revolution, from which Muslim Brotherhood detainees were excluded.