- MB NewsPrisoners of Conscience
- October 5, 2007
- 2 minutes read
Court Ruling Releasing Ghozlan, Hamed and Al Ghoneimi

Egyptian State Security Court ordered last Wednesday, Oct., 3rd, 2007, the release of Dr. Mahmoud Ghozlan, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) Executive Office, after being held in jail for about six months. He was arrested last March among other 17 MB members as part of security sweeps of arrests before the the elections of Shura Council, the upper chamber of parliament.
However, the release ruling hasn”t been implemented until now. This is because the ruling need two other court rulings- after the possible appeals of the Interior Ministry- to be final and to release Dr. Mahmoud Ghozlan.
Mohamed, son of Dr. Mahmoud Ghozlan said in a statement to Ikhwanweb:” The ruling of releasing my father is only a stage in the way towards an actual release. It isn”t binding for the Ministry of Interior to implement it.”
“like all other detainees, after 30 days of detention, the detainee is allowed to appeal against his detention decision. This appeal is heard 10 days later. The Interior Ministry is allowed to challenge the court acquittal in other fifteen days. Ten days after all these measures, a binding release ruling is issued” added Mohamed
He added that they are waiting for the coming twenty days so that a final release for his father is issued.
“Dr Ghozlan has previously received an acquittal from Egyptian justice in August 2007″, said Abdul Moneim Abdul Maqsoud, the lead lawyer of the case of Dr. Mahmoud Ghozlan.” But the Interior Ministry appealed against the acquittal and he wasn”t released.”
“Thus, this is the second acquittal issued by the Egyptian justice for Dr. Mahmoud Ghozlan”
“We hope that they will accelerate court measures to actually release Dr. Ghozlan. This will definitely take place after the Interior Minister”s appeal”, said Abdul Maqsoud.
The acquittals included, in addition to Dr. Mahmoud Ghozlan, Dr. Mohie Hamed and Dr. Mostafa Al Ghoneimi.