Court Says MB Military Tribunal Illegitimate

Court Says MB Military Tribunal Illegitimate

Coordinator of the MB Defense Panel for those who have been martially tried Abdel-Mon”em Abdel-Maqsud confirmed in his statement to Ikhwanweb that the Supreme Administrative Court insisted, despite the courts suspension of resolving the government”s challenge last Saturday against the historical ruling issued by the Supreme Administrative Court, on the decision issued by Judge Mohamed El-Hosseiny ruling out the President”s authority to transfer civilians to military courts, a ruling which has become effective now with the power of law. 

Abdel-Maqsud said that the court had decided to suspend looking into the government”s challenge until they were finished with resolving challenge number 72 for the judicial year 17 on article number 6 of the Military Sentences Law which had been looked into by the constitutional court since 1995 and which gives the President the right to transfer civilians to martial judicature.

The Administrative Court is expected to resolve the challenge presented by the Defense Panel of the decision of the Attorney General calling for ending the detainment of the 18 MB leaders who were transferred to military courts.