Crossfire War – US-Israel-Egypt in Crisis Talks Over Gaza Political Explosion

Crossfire War – US-Israel-Egypt in Crisis Talks Over Gaza Political Explosion

Night Watch: RAFAH – Debka reports its military sources have informed them the massive influx of Palestinians into northern Sinai is irreversible, that there is no way for the government of Egypt President Hosni Mubarak of taking control of the situation. This new crisis, which happened literally overnight, has caused the U. S. – Israel – Egyptian officials at the highest level to engage in serious discussions Wednesday night and I suspect the discussions are in an atmosphere of a controlled panic. They are obviously being taken over by events. It seems Mubarak has informed Washington and Jerusalem he is more concerned about the Muslim Brotherhood creating similar crisis in Egyptian cities including the ones along the Suez Canal. [DEBKA]

The number of Palestinians that crossed through the exploded Rafah Terminal wall is now reported to be 200,000, but I suspect the real figure will never be known and chances are more Gazans are going to take advantage of their new freedom and take up residence either in the northern Sinai or in other parts of Egypt. Tehran-Damascus are now instructing Hamas to have a large portion of the Palestinians to remain in northern Sinai to become a bridge between the region and the Gaza Strip. Yesterday the Palestinian population in Sinai was 40,000 now it is at least five times that. In the meantime, the Palestinian department of Egyptian security has found out the 130,000 Palestinians already in Cairo, Alexandria and cities along the Suez Canal have been told to enable the ones from Gaza to join them in those population centers.

Damascus – As suspected this breach in Egyptian security was timed for the opening of the Palestinian National Congress in Damascus. Xinhua reports it is a three-day conference, which means it will end Friday in time to see the results and effectiveness of planned demonstrations across Egypt this weekend. Tehran-Damascus have enabled 900 delegates representing seventeen Palestinian radical groups to attend along with 300 “Special Guests” from around the Arab world. I actually believe Iran used these Qassam rocket attacks into Israel knowing the enormous publicity, caused by Israel”s military responses, would serve as a diversion while the main objective of increasing the pressure on Hosni Mubarak was being planned and is not being put into action. Violent, demonstrative action that would cause Mubarak”s overthrow. With Egypt within Tehran”s sphere of influence Iran would not only have more of the Eastern Mediterranean, through their excellent relations with Ankara-Damascus, but also the Suez Canal and the Red Sea through Khartoum. This means Washington, instead of dreaming up lunatic schemes to overthrow Syria President Bashar al-Assad, is now trying to “save” President Mubarak. [XINHUA]

Khaled Meshaal, the head of Hamas” political office in Damascus, delivered the opening address and to no one”s surprise stated the priority was not the creation of a Palestinian state, but to end the occupation of all Palestinian territory, which means the removal of the state of Israel. Tehran of course wrote the speech and they still want to give the impression, to Palestinian radicals, they are now able to defeat Israel provided they have enough military support from Islamic governments like Tehran-Damascus-Beirut-Riyadh. All those governments are indeed willing to commit some units in the name of the Palestinian cause primarily as a way of giving vent to the extremist groups in the region obsessed with attacking Israel. Though Mubarak is Tehran”s main target Iran will still use Israel as the flashpoint, but there will soon be more fighting in and around Egypt than around Israel. Hosni Mubarak is not about to go quietly.

Alexandria – As a small indication of Mubarak”s seriousness Xinhua/MENA report Egyptian authorities arrested 26 members of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria. Though the group has been outlawed since 1954, for its attempt to establish an Islamic state, the organization controls 88 seats in Egypt”s 454 member Parliament. The members ran in the 2005 election as independents. The group was instrumental in the overthrow of King Farouk in 1952. [XINHUA]